Made in America Festival 

My Labor Day weekend was spent in Philly at the Made in America festival. I must say it was an amazing experience if you think you love a song just from listening on the radio or whatever you’ll love it even more when you hear it live. It’s almost like hearing all your favorite songs for the first time that kind of feeling.

The first day of the festival which was Saturday (sept. 5) there tons of people. The performances I enjoyed the most that day was Beyonce. I was always kinda a fan but now I’m a 100% in love with her she’s an amazing performer.

The 2nd & last day of the festival was Sunday. There lots of performances. Lolawolf, Post Malone, Future, Big Sean, J. Cole & The Weeknd. The performances were all really good.

I really loved the concept of this concert and the setup. It’s really a good experience you hear new songs, old songs, meet new people, & enjoy the city. I have a few pics & videos I’ll add below


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